Hi! I'm
Oliver Medhurst, also sometimes known as
19 year old software engineer. TC39 and WinterTC invited expert. ex-Mozilla.
Porffor's rewritten object implementation is now much faster and produces 2-5x smaller Wasm binaries when using objects!
A more compliant and stable compiler, while starting foundations for large long-term optimizations.
this can be surprisingly bad for performance, especially binary size, due to one design flaw.
Test262 is the official ECMAScript conformance test suite; Porffor now passes 50% of it!
Porffor now has experimental FFI support!
From next week, I will be independently building Porffor full-time!
My JS engine is a year old today! Let's recap what has happened lately and what the future holds.
My JS engine has a new string representation, here's what/why/how.
My JS engine can now parse TS and use it for optimizations!
My JS engine's months-long rewrite is finally done!
I have a new permanent offer with Mozilla! Also featuring a 2023 recap with work ramblings and 2024 resolutions.
My JS engine and why it is currently terrible
What's new in Shadow from last week (Oct 31-Nov 6)
What's new in Shadow since the intro post (Oct 27-30)
Shadow is a new novel browser engine made almost entirely in JS
On October 1st, I join Mozilla to work on Firefox full-time!
IPC allowlist bypass allowing to arbitary IPC calls setting a malicious update endpoint
Path traversal in an Electron app leading to NodeJS execution from browser